Friday, November 2, 2007

Tropical Storm Noel

For those of you curious about Tod's status after Tropical Storm Noel blew through the Dominican Republic, he's fine. He was able to contact his mom earlier this week and report back. Thankfully our buddy Tod is doing alright. Lots and lots of rain did fall there, power is still out in many places (as of 11/2/07), but his group seems to be out of danger.

Here's some footage I found on the local news website here in Seattle. It gives you a good idea how severe the flooding was in the Dominican Republic. The "hurricane season" is nearly over and we'll be able to rest much easier.

*AP photo courtesy of CNN


Ana said...

Thanks for the info!!!

Tina said...

Thanks so much for sharing the info. I was wondering how Tod was doing and didn't think anything new would be posted. Glad to hear all is going OK. STAY SAFE TOD! =)

egan said...

Ana & Tina - you're welcome. Tod's mom forward me the update and I thought it would be good to post it here.